Midgard, Iceland’s first all-inclusive convention, will be held at Laugardalsholl, in Reykjavik, september 15th and 16th, a weekend of board games, video games, cosplay, table top games, comics, artists, movies, tv series, books, and more.

Midgard is Iceland’s first all-inclusive convention, which means there will not be a strong focus on any specific genre or fandom.

The goal is to be a home for fans of Video games, board games, cosplay, table top games, comics, artists, movies, tv series, books, and anything else. Of course, there will be many roleplayers there and there will also be something related to roleplaying games. We’d love to see as many roleplayers there as possible.

Midgard a 2 day event, with exhibitors showing off their games or wares, vendors selling cool items, artists showing their art, panels about many different topics, workshops, special guests, and much more.

In addition, there will be multiple competitions and tournaments, like the Icelandic Cosplay Championship, Warhammer 40k tournaments, the Nordic Cosplay Championship preliminaries, X-wing tournaments, board game competitions, as well as many others.

The Midgard team consists of members from Nexus, Cosplay Iceland, and the Nordic Cosplay Championship team Iceland, and has over 30 years experience with conventions and events.

The team is dedicated to providing a safe, entertaining and welcoming home for fans of all genres.

midgard, Midgard, Iceland’s first all-inclusive convention, Yawning Portal

Meet Boba Fett at Midgard

Boba Fett is a favourite among many Star Wars fans. Boba was played by Jeremy Bulloch and he will be attending Midgard!

Following many appearances on children’s television, Jeremy’s big break came at the age of 17 when he landed a major role in the musical film Summer Holiday which starred the pop idol Cliff Richard (now Sir Cliff).

In 1978 he was starring in the hit television comedy series Agony that ran for three years. It was during this series that Jeremy was asked to play a small part in The Empire Strikes Back the sequel to Star Wars. The part, of course, was none other than Boba Fett. Return of the Jedi followed soon and Jeremy was invited to reprise the role of Boba.

So, you might get a picture of yourself with the infamous bounty hunter from a galaxy far, far away!

Click here to buy tickets to Midgard.